Saturday, March 26, 2011

Both good & bad news.

First a little bad news. I'm holding a contest at the TaraBakes' Facebook page (Hey wait! That just sounds like good news?!), but people aren't really replying. I guess the offer of free, home-made, fresh-baked version of their favorite dessert is not tempting enough? That doesn't seem likely, so I'm chalking it up to my being too shy to shove advertising down everybody's throats every day. Also I've been very sick with a tonsil infection so I can't be online much at all anyways, that is my bit of personal bad news. Complain complain. It's really ok now. :)

So yes, the good news is that there IS a contest- and if you'd like to enter just comment on one of the announcements on the FB page stating your favorite dessert.
Don't worry about where you're living, if you win I'll figure out a way to get you your treat.

The other good news is that the page is INCHING closer and closer to 25 likes- that's the point at which I can give the TaraBakes page an official Facebook URL. Which will be convenient to type, easy to search and fit on business cards and the like much better.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Nutella Cookies & Chocolate Chip... Cake?

I'm thinking about making these Nutella-Filled Pinwheel Cookies for my friend, she is a super Nutella-lover. In fact most everyone is a Nutella-lover, so I might end up making 4 batches.

I've also been searching for chocolate chip cake recipes, I can imagine the flavor and how slicing it up will look so vividly, I absolutely have to make it! This recipe looks promising, but I don't know what to think of all the orange juice in it! Only one way to find out! If I don't like it there are many others to try instead. There's a very exciting idea from this recipe to use maple syrup in the glaze/frosting instead of corn syrup. Or I could give up on the idea of mimicking chocolate chip cookies and go with something super-rich like this here chocolate chocolate chip cake.

You can tell I like chocolate, yes?