Monday, August 8, 2011

Pastries after Paris

So I'm just over 3 weeks away from the end of my just over 2 month trip to France. I started out in Paris of course, and am now on the southern coast- the Côte d'Azur. But how my location relates to baking is that I am really astounded by the traditional bakeries, boulangeries, that you find on every street here- and especially back in Paris too. They're full of flakey, sweet, crunchy, soft, sugary, salty, bread-related deliciousness. I really want to try baking bread now, it seems somehow more rewarding than baking a cake!

Perhaps it's the need for yeast that makes it... special? I found this recipe at purplefoodie that I can't wait to try. Having never made bread before it's reassuring that this recipe is directed right at someone who's baked but not baked bread. And it sure looks delicious! I think I'll need to find a french kitchen to borrow, because I cannot wait 3 weeks to bite into this thing. At the moment a pure-cinnamon version sounds like the best way to go! Ah! The anticipation!